My Smart Fortwo in Denmarks largest parking facility

Smart car discrimination

We visited the Q-park parking basement near Nørreport in Copenhagen, and were given a dose of Smart car discrimination right from arrival 😊

The Nørreport parking basement is Copenhagens largest.
It’s a 3 story, underground car park under the “Israels Plads” square.

We rolled up to one of the three entrance lanes ticket machines, and pressed the button to get our ticket.

Immediately we were presented with the message: “No car, no ticket“.

NO CAR, NO TICKET - Q-Park's sensors will not recognize the Smart Fortwo as a being car
NO CAR, NO TICKET – Q-Park’s sensors will not recognize the Smart Fortwo as a being car

I called Q-Park, over the machines intercom, and was asked to reverse a few meters, and try again.

When we get back to the ticket machine , it’s display informs us that it successfully is reading my number plate. I press the ticket button, and again it says “No car, No ticket“.

The Q-Park employee said that this happened from time to time, because the car was to small, to activate the magnetic coil in the floor, so we would have to call them again over intercom, in order to pay, and exit.
She then raised the barrier remotely and we entered.

After entering without any official documentation, I thought: “That was probably not a thing people do in many other countries?”
In Denmark there is a huge level trust, and I expect that is one of the reasons that we often are noted as being the happiest nation in the world.

My Smart Fortwo in Denmarks largest parking facility
My Smart Fortwo takes a break in Denmarks largest parking facility

The next thing is that when exiting the parking facility, you need to use your ticket to get in again. And again, this is not an issue worth worrying over in Denmark 😉

We went to our general assembly, and when we returned to the locked entrance, we told the intercom-lady about our discriminatory experience, and she let us in.

At the exit again, we called up, and after a minute or two, we were asked to pay the correct amount, and let out. Without any official proof, we could have been asked for three weeks parking fee, but this being the least corrupt country in the world, we were only asked to pay for the three hours we had been there.

I’d like to hear your thoughts. Would you be able to park in a private parking facility in your nations capital, and have the same level of trust in being able to enter without issues, and also not have any issues paying for the time you had parked?
Please comment below.






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