Hand sewn leather seats have been fitted in the Smart Fortwo Cabrio

Seatbelt pads with the Danish Smart Clubs logo

My Smart Fortwo Cabrio had a nice set of red seatbelt pads, that matches the red leather seats, when I bought it.

They have “Smart Klub Danmark“, the name of the Danish Smart Klub, on them.

I’m a bit ambivalent with them, as they have to be pulled down to the seat belt buckle, manually and every time you take it off.
If you don’t pull them down, then they’re prevented from rolling back in, and they fall out and hang in the open door.
Right where they will remove most paint from your door jamb, when you slam the car’s door.

For now, I’ve removed them, but I’ll hold on to them, until I’m sure that I don’t experience the gnawing seatbelt issue, that I read about in the forums.

However, for now, I’m enjoying the sight of my seatbelt rolling up as they should.

It’s almost magic 🪄 after just a few weeks of repositioning the pads, before closing the door 🤣

Does your seatbelt gnaw og annoy you? If so, what did you do to limit the issue?
Please leave a comment below 👇





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