ValetPro Drop Top Protector

Sealing your cabriolet with ValetPro Drop Top Protector

ValetPro Drop Top Protector is used to seal your cabriolets soft top against dirt and the elements, and thereby prolong its life.

Before applying the ValetPro Drop Top Protector you have to clean the soft top fabric, preferably with ValetPro’s Drop Top Cleaner, or a similar product.

ValetPro Drop Top Cleaner and Drop Top Protector
ValetPro Drop Top Cleaner and Drop Top Protector

When the soft-top has dried, or almost dried, you can begin treating it.

If it has dried completely you will need to moist the fabric before applying the protector. Then you let it cure for 12 hours, and it’s ready for normal use.

ValetPro Drop Top Protector
ValetPro Drop Top Protector
The cabriolet soft top after being treated with ValetPro Drop Top Protector
The cabriolet soft top after being treated with ValetPro Drop Top Protector

What do you use to treat your soft top, and why have you chosen this specific product?


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