Author: Peter

  • Optimize Chenille Wheel Brush

    Optimize Chenille Wheel Brush

    The Chenille Wheel Brush from Optimize was a huge upgrade compared to the old one from Biltema. Chenille (which comes from the French word for caterpillar) is what does the magic here. The brushwires on the previous one needed to be scubbed far harder and longer, compared to this brush, which almost feels like a…

  • You know you are a Smart Fortwo owner, when you get into the backseat to drive!

    You know you are a Smart Fortwo owner, when you get into the backseat to drive!

    Had to move the wife’s car today, and being a Fortwo owner, I naturally tried to get into the backseat to drive! 🤣 I probably shouldn’t admit this, but it’s not the first time I’ve tried this trick, and it still doesn’t seem to work. It’s so natural for me to grab the door handle…

  • Nice Smart Fortwo and trailer combination, at the hardware store

    Nice Smart Fortwo and trailer combination, at the hardware store

    Needed some building materials for a project at home, and stumbled upon this Smart Fortwo with trailer on the hardware stores parking lot. Unfortunately I don’t have a trailer hitch on my Cabrio, so I tend to get a severe case of trailer envy, when I se a road train like this. Unfortunately I wasn’t…

  • Why I use a Smart Car specialist!

    Why I use a Smart Car specialist!

    I’ve been asked more than once, why I take my Fortwo all the way to SmartCars in Ringsted, 30 km away, instead of using one of the local garages, of which there are plenty of in this area. The question is often accompanied with a “…it’s a 15 year old vehicle, surely <Insert name here>,…

  • The perfect parking space

    The perfect parking space

    At last I’ve found the perfect parking space. It can just fit a Smartcar in it’s length, and it’s wide enough, to prevent dents from the car parked beside it! What’s not to like? Both doors can be opened up fully, while still keeping within its borders.All parking spaces should have a format like this…

  • GTL Diesel test

    GTL Diesel test

    I’ve heard and read a lot about GTL (Gas To Liquid) Diesel as an alternative to standard diesel fuel. I better add a disclaimer. No all car companies have approved the use of GTL Fuels in their engines.If your vehicle still is covered by a warranty, it might not cover the use of non mineral-oil…

  • Have you read your cars privacy agreement?

    Have you read your cars privacy agreement?

    Inspired by reading Mozillas article “‘Privacy Nightmare on Wheels’: Every Car Brand Reviewed By Mozilla — Including Ford, Volkswagen and Toyota — Flunks Privacy Test“, I took a look at Smart’s privacy statement. All new cars, have connected services, apps etc. and it could be a good idea to read the fine print, about what…

  • A new (not really) set of alloys for my Smart Fortwo

    A new (not really) set of alloys for my Smart Fortwo

    At last I’ve found a set of new alloys. Well not new as in new from the factory, but as in new for me and my fortwo. I’ve been looking for a set of original 12 spoke “passion” rims for a while now, but they have been very illusive in my part of the country.Nobody…

  • Humour – Washing your Smartcar merchandise

    Humour – Washing your Smartcar merchandise

    As a Smart owner, you know all of the cars small issues, and charms. You know that turning off the ignition while driving, will get it out of limp mode, and how to suck out the last drop of used engine oil, from your plug-less oil pan. However it’s impossible to know it all……do you…

  • Compensation – Bumper sticker humour

    Compensation – Bumper sticker humour

    Stumbled upon this Smart Fortwo outside a local shop today, with a humorous, though slightly naughty bumper sticker. Don’t need 2 compensate 4 anything! Bumper sticker Couldn’t help smiling. What does your bumper sticker say?